If you follow me on Facebook, you already know that Sweetie (as I'm calling her, and she totally deserves the name) was wandering around in front of the local grocery store yesterday when I went to get milk. The customer service girl paged the customers and I waited 20 minutes to see if her owner was there. After that, the store was going to call the animal control officer to take her to the pound, so I brought her home with me. She's up on Craigslist and the local paper's classifieds, and I have no doubt her owners are looking for her -- she's purebred, incredibly sweet, and moderately well-mannered (we're working on that last a lot today! Even if she's only here for three days, they'll go much smoother if she knows her limits.)
So I'm sorry I didn't get to post a freebie yesterday -- it ended up being a very busy day :p Today, in honor of our loving four-footed friends, we have a free Meow Mix Pate Toppers sample from Walmart! And ya know what? What the heck, let's go for two today and add Slow Burn by E.B. Walters -- free today from Amazon!
I have to admit, this is a new-to-me author, but that cover just totally caught my attention! Match it with a strong blurb and yeah, I grabbed a copy. I'm looking forward to reading it ;-) Grab your copy here, and welcome to April, everybody!!!
Actually the first three books in that series are free on Kindle. I read them out of order but this is the first one. I loved the first and third one in the series.
Oh, how cool is that??? Kris, thanks for letting me know! And I'm glad you're enjoying the freebies :-)
-- Sierra
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