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Monday, March 12, 2012

Christening the new blog: Freebie of the day!

Okay, no, the revamped site isn't really up and running yet, but I did want to go ahead and start blogging again (Hi everybody! I know, it's been forever.) And I decided to inaugurate my new blog with a new feature -- the freebie of the day! And today's freebie is:

Free Genifique from Lancome!

Okay, I admit, I'm getting to the age where creams and potions and things that delay or downplay those little "character lines" are, ummmm... Well, let's just say I've got plenty of character, thanks ;-)  And I loooove free samples of stuff. So here ya go -- go grab yourself a free sample here!

And add me to your blog feeds, follow me on Twitter, or friend me on Facebook to feed your daily freebie need! We've got some great stuff coming up!


Lil said...


I am not much online anymore, myself but saw your message about the blog and revamping of your site. Hope things are going well.

(Little Lamb Lost)

Sierra said...

Hi Lil! Oh gosh, it's good to see you. It really *has* been forever, darn it!

Things are going better than they have in the past three years, and I'm finally up to gear and back doing what I love to do. I have to admit, it was hard to make the jump back in -- so I finally figured I'd better roll up my sleeves and just do it! I'm so glad you stopped by!

-- Sierra

Sierra said...

Augh! Just changed comment settings so you don't need to have a google or open id account to post. You do still have the captcha thing, but I've seen too many blogs get completely overrun with spam to want to remove it. I hope it doesn't drive you guys too crazy!

Fedora said...

Good to see you up and out again, Sierra! Yay!

Sierra Dafoe said...

Fedora! Heya lady! Yup and yup -- it's good to be back in the land of the living!

I have to finish morning errands out in the barn (I'd better hurry, too -- the morning's almost over) and get on some other stuff, but I'll stop back in later this afternoon. Thank you for saying hi! :-)

Julianne said...

Hello Sierra,
It's great to see you poking your head out of the garden again. :)
Well crap, I don't have a face book or twitter page.
I can't wait to see what you are working on next.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Sierra Dafoe said...

Julianne! It's good to see you :-) That's okay -- just stop in on the blog every now and again. And anything hugely exciting I'll always announce thru the newsletter.

Thanks for stopping by!

-- Sierra